Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Art of Living

Summer Stemware!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy a 5% discount with the purchase of any set of summer glassware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus free shipping

BBQ Season is fast approaching which means taking stock of your outdoor grilling accouterments.  If you're looking to elevate your BBQ game this summer, we've got a pro tip that will impress the pants off your party goers.  The simple solution?  Outdoor Fun and Colorful Wine Glasses.

Say Goodbye to drinking wine out of red solo cups or risk shattering your precious Reidel.  Outdoor wine glasses will put BBQ-ers at ease all while sipping in sophistication.

Here's a roundup of some of our favorite:

Get these hand painted flip flop wine glasses @ $60.00 for 6 

These set of six stemless glasses from Sur La Table are made from a premium plastic to prevent clouding @ $40.00 for 4

Get a set of 6 Hand Painted Wine Glasses @ $70.00 for 6

Enjoy a glass of fine wine for summer in these colorful set of Crate & Barrel's Acrylic Glasses @ $100.00 per set of 6


  1. Trendy for the summer!!!

  2. Love the glasses for summer.... Very pretty and also love the price
