Sunday, 10 August 2014

Check out these Colored Wine Glasses on Sale

Enjoy these specials @ our walk in store............

Indoor / Outdoor Mixed Color Wine Glasses (set of 8)
$49.95  $59.00

Neon Tumblers Mixed Colors (set of 8)
$39.95  $45.99

Indoor/Outdoor Cobalt Blue Wine Glasses (set of 4)
$12.99  $29.95

Jewel Toned Wine Glasses (set of 4)
$24.99  $39.95

Indoor/Outdoor Color Wine Glasses (set of 4)
$ 39.99  $50.00

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

4 Little - Known Wine Facts

Wine is one of those things that people like to be able to talk about. And while some people can carry on a good wine-related conversation, most people wing it...........

Take a look at these amazing wine facts

1. Grapes may have made the first beer

If wine wasn't the first alcoholic beverage, then the yeast from grapes was used to make the first beerIn history as in the barroom, wine has its advocates and beer has its advocates, and some historians believe people made beer before they made wine.  But the skin of the grape proved to be essential even in this process. The yeast from the foam of the skin of fermenting grapes is a catalyst to fermenting honey, fruits and barley, which is the start of a good beer

2. Women get drunker on wine than men.

This is because women have less of an enzyme in the stomach to metabolize wine. Men have more of an enzyme that degrades alcohol, and, in general, men can safely consume twice the amount of alcohol as women because of this and other metabolic differences.  Of course, women enjoy more protection from alcohol-related liver disease if they simply eat while they drink.  So if you're going to open a bottle, maybe it's wise to keep some snacks on hand, too.

3. Global warming may have an impact on wine production

Scientists issued a dire report in 2006 that said rising temperatures could render Napa Valley in California unsuitable for growing several types of premium grapes.  A more recent study, released in July 2011 by scientists at Stanford University, suggested that farmers will still be able to grow the grapes, but not in California. The study, which assumes an increase in temperature of 2 degrees Fahrenheit (-16.7 degrees Celsius) in the next 30 years, suggests that the growing of pinot noir and cabernet sauvignon grapes could shift to the Willamette Valley in Oregon and the Walla Walla Valley in Washington.
The growers need a temperature of about 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) for the most delicate grapes. In this latest study, they found that we won't lose the wines, but that they may no longer be the crown jewels in the offerings of California growers.
4. The wine cork is not for smelling.

The cork is actually for examining. If you have the good fortune to sit down in a restaurant with a wine steward, you're not going to make a great impression by sniffing the cork when he hands it to you.  In truth, he's presenting you the cork to examine. Check to see if it's all in one piece; a fragmented or moldy cork might mean a lower quality wine.
With the best wines, the cork will display the date and other information, as well.
For more information and more little known facts, check out the links below:

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Interesting Facts: Most Aged and Expensive Wines

Top Three Most Aged and Expensive Wines in the World (Prices Quoted in US Dollars)

The connoisseurs say that expensive wines cost an arm and a leg for a good reason. That is, the superbly pleasing flavour which will definitely make the taste buds rejoice. What if a bottle costs hundreds of thousands? 

Will its cork ever be popped? Would the taste still be that pleasing? For the wine drinkers, enthusiasts and curious minds, here are the top 3 most expensive bottles of wine.

1. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvigno Price:     $500,000

2. Chateau Margaux 1787 Price: $225,000

3. Cheval Blanc 1947 Price: $135,125

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Are you planning a Wedding this Summer: Check out these Personalized Wine Glasses and More on Sale


Planning a Wedding of Any Kind - 1/2 Price on any items........ 
Free Delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mother of the Bride or Mother of the Groom Glasses @ $50.00 each

Groomsmen Gift Flask $ 100.00 each

Wedding Party Glasses @ $200.00 per dozen

Bridesmaids Wine Glasses @ $60.00 per dozen

Mr. and Mrs. Glasses @ $20.00 each

Bridesmaid Gift Champagne Glasses @ 300.00 per dozen 


Thursday, 31 July 2014

Amazing Wine Facts: Not Every wine improves your Health.....

Check this Out.......

Red wines are known to contain many beneficial antioxidants such as polyphenol and resveratrol that have cardio-protective effects and anti-cancer properties. Grape skin is especially rich in antioxidants. Since red wine is fermented together with its skin, it has more antioxidants than white wine which is processed without its skin. White wine may even slightly increase the risk of contracting cancer, especially of the digestive tract, as some studies show. So, don’t drink more than 1 or 2 glasses of wine per day!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Personalized Signs & Wall Décor

Summer Sale -Extra 15% off any purchase of over $79.95


$ 129.95








Friday, 25 July 2014

TIP: Health Conscious People

Wine Doesn't Make You Fat............
While beer makes that unaesthetic beer belly, wine does not affect your waistline at all. In fact recent studies showed that “women who routinely drank moderate amounts of alcohol, totaling about one drink per day, carried almost 10 pounds less body fat than women who did not drink at all”. 
Experts believe that the calories in alcohol are not metabolized in the same way as calories from carbohydrates, fats or protein. So if you are about to start a diet to lose weight, then you should consider having a glass of wine instead of chocolate pudding for dessert.

Interesting: Something to Know

Wine Names Usually Indicate Location or Grape Varieties

Most European wines are named after their geographical Origin. One very famous example would be the Bordeaux wine which is produced in the Bordeaux region of France.  Bordeaux wines are made of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and to a much leaser extent Carmenere and Malbec.

Non-European wines almost always have the name of the grape (aka the varietal) on the label - for instance Cabernet Sauvignon from California.

Now you Know!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Did You Know: The World's Biggest Red Wine consumers are Chinese

But a really small country is rocking first place per capita basis.........

The Chinese drank their way to a record 155 million 9-litre cases of red wine in 2013, thereby surpassing the French whose consumption decreased by 18% to 150 million cases.  The increasing popularity of red wine in China is largely due to the fact that red is considered to be a lucky color.  this symbolic importance combined with the health improving virtues of the drink, encourage Chinese to grab a bottle from the supermarket shelf more and more often.

Can you guess who the biggest wine consumers in the world are?????????

Well, while Italy is the World's biggest wine producer, Italian are only #4 on our wine consumers list surpassed by France and Portugal.

When it comes to the biggest US wine consumers the leaders are:  California, New York followed by Florida.  France still drink more wine (all categories) per capita than the Chinese with 53 liters per capita per years versus 1.9 in China.

But which country drinks the most wines per capita??????????

The Vatican with 74 liters per capita per year which is about 99 bottles of 75cl per year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting Fact: Drinking wine can improve your sex life

Wine is a very old and complex drink with a long and fascinating history.  It will take you years of study to really understand its intricacy and become a wine connoisseur. Today, its the occasion to sharpen your wine facts!!!!!!

This is perhaps one of the most amazing and interesting facts about wine.  When drunk regularly it can actually help you boost your sex drive.  An Italian study showed that women who have 2 glasses of wine daily, enjoy physical pleasure much more intensely than women who don't wine at all.  A very god reason to start drinking wine, isn't it??????? 

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Art of Living

Summer Stemware!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy a 5% discount with the purchase of any set of summer glassware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus free shipping

BBQ Season is fast approaching which means taking stock of your outdoor grilling accouterments.  If you're looking to elevate your BBQ game this summer, we've got a pro tip that will impress the pants off your party goers.  The simple solution?  Outdoor Fun and Colorful Wine Glasses.

Say Goodbye to drinking wine out of red solo cups or risk shattering your precious Reidel.  Outdoor wine glasses will put BBQ-ers at ease all while sipping in sophistication.

Here's a roundup of some of our favorite:

Get these hand painted flip flop wine glasses @ $60.00 for 6 

These set of six stemless glasses from Sur La Table are made from a premium plastic to prevent clouding @ $40.00 for 4

Get a set of 6 Hand Painted Wine Glasses @ $70.00 for 6

Enjoy a glass of fine wine for summer in these colorful set of Crate & Barrel's Acrylic Glasses @ $100.00 per set of 6

Interesting Fact: Stay young with the health benefits of drinking wine

8 Health Benefits of Drinking Wine:

Every year, there is a flurry of headlines about the health benefits of wine. But can drinking wine really make a difference? Here, the news—very good news, indeed—from the latest studies. Note: The health benefits come from moderate wine consumption, defined by the American Heart Association as one to two four-ounce glasses a day.

The Benefit: Promotes Longevity
The Evidence: Wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers. 

The Benefit: Reduces Heart-Attack Risk
The Evidence: Moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack than nondrinkers

The Benefit: Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
The Evidence: Red-wine tannins contain procyanidins, which protect against heart disease. Wines from Sardinia and southwest France have more procyanidins than other wines. 

The Benefit: Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
The Evidence: Moderate drinkers have 30 percent less risk than nondrinkers of developing type 2 diabetes. 

The Benefit: Lowers Risk of Stroke
The Evidence: The possibility of suffering a blood clot–related stroke drops by about 50 percent in people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. 

The Benefit: Cuts Risk of Cataracts
The Evidence: Moderate drinkers are 32 percent less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers; those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those drinking mainly beer. 

The Benefit: Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer
The Evidence: Moderate consumption of wine (especially red) cuts the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent.

The Benefit: Slows Brain Decline
The Evidence: Brain function declines at a markedly faster rate in nondrinkers than in moderate drinkers

Do You Know: How wine is Made?

The vineyards are a critical determinant in the end product wines for each and every vintage. Vineyards are like the wine's bassinets, where early grape life begins and flourishes, for all wine is truly birthed on the vine. The vineyard's location, climate, terrain, soils, vines and root stocks, irrigation systems and pest management controls all factor into the final product in one way or another. Sun exposure and time on the vine both play a key role in the grape's development and specific sugar levels.
Wine making commences with the annual grape harvest  and can be accomplished by either mechanical harvesting equipment (usually easiest for vineyards that lie on relatively flat land) or hand harvesting. Hand-harvesting affords more precise selection and often does a better job of protecting the grape’s juice content from oxidation due to damaged skins. Mechanical harvesters offer a more efficient, often cost-effective, process and are well-suited for large vineyards that lay on a flat patch of earth. The type of harvest - hand-picking, mechanical harvesters or a combination of the two, is largely influenced by the winemaker’s final wine style goals as well as budget.


Friday, 18 July 2014

Wine 101.....

“Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Good wine is one of life's greatest pleasures. Whether you are a novice or a connoisseur, interested in simply sipping or expertly analyzing, enjoying a glass of wine can be a sublime experience. Unfortunately, many people find wine and how to choose, serve, and describe it more intimidating than enjoyable. The very scope of the topic seems daunting. But never fear -- you don't have to take a class to appreciate the subtleties of fine wine.